14: More Strategies for Leading People Through Change PART TWO

bigstock-Colour-pencil-in-row-Small43723921This is Part 2 of a two part series of thoughts on how to lead people through change.? Enjoy!

In today’s show:
Second of a two part show on change management – such a huge topic!
Three the final tips – if you did not hear the previous podcast, go back to that one first!
Some great quotes
Some practical suggestions

I don’t know where you are at today.? Perhaps you are the boss. ?The pastor. ?One of a team of leaders. ?Lower down trying to changes things higher up?. all these things on this list require change strategies.

  • Staff
  • Leadership
  • Customers
  • Board
  • Structure
  • Tradition
  • Name
  • Finances
  • Facilities
  • Policies
  • Programs
  • Priorities
  • Direction
  • Strategy
  • Profit Margin
  • Completion

Building on the last show, I am adding three more today…

  1. God is the ultimate Change Agent

  2. Change is urgent

  3. Lead Change with Vision

  4. People Always resits change

  5. Coach People Carefully in the Right Direction

  6. Lead with Your Heart


To me leadership is like driving a little two seater on a winding mountain road?..

Four Factors of Doubt

1. We did not know there was a problem. (The ?it ain?t broke? syndrome)

2. We are in shock about your solution to a non problem. (?Don?t fix it?)

3. We had no idea any change was coming. (?We felt ambushed?)

4. We offered no input for the solutions imposed on us. (?We might have had really good input for you to consider?a better solution?)

Write me: ?What is a big change challenge you are facing????

