Have you already forgot about your new years resolutions?? That’s normal.
I don’t believe in New Year’s resolutions but I do believe in goals.
Here’s what’s wrong with New Years resolutions:
- They tend to be spur of the moment
- We don’t take them seriously
- They tend to be unrealistic ? lose 40 pounds by swimsuit season
- Why new years? ?It tends to be a fad
- Once a year and soon they fizzle and fade
Here’s was right about goals:
- They are well thought out
- They help is actually achieve new dreams
- They are realistic
- Beginning of every 6 month period
- Ongoing process
Six things I cover in this podcast:
1.Why bother with goals?
2.What if I have failed so many times I don’t want to try again?
3.What are the important areas of your life that need goals?
4.What makes good goals?
5.The importance of scheduling your goals:
6.Make an action plan and stick with it.
1.Why bother with goals?
“Setting goals is the first step in turning the invisible into the visible.” – Tony Robbins
?A new year is time to draw a LINE IN THE SAND: What is it about this annual ?new? that causes us to reflect upon our lives and our accomplishments? I believe each of us has a natural inclination to grow our self-esteem and capability through new accomplishments. Most of us want to make a difference in the world. Most of us want to live life as fully as we can. Thus, we annually draw a new line in the sand and claim a starting point for our next chapter. ? See “The Awesome Power of Goal Setting: 10 Tips for Triumph Set Your Course and Direction With Goals,” By Susan M. Heathfield
Goal setting not only allows you to take control of your life’s direction; it also provides you a benchmark for determining whether you are actually succeeding. ?- See more at: http://www.mindtools.com/pages/article/newHTE_90.htm#sthash.hiLZ51P9.dpuf
2.What if I have failed so many times I don’t want to try again?
We all have! ? Give yourself some grace. ?Forgive yourself. ?Stand up and try again. ?As Pumba said so well in the Lion King movie, ?It’s times like this my buddy Timon here says: you got to put your behind in your past.?
Thomas Edison: Before perfecting the light bulb at age 46, Thomas Edison tried between 9,000 and 10,000 different things searching for the right material that would make a good filament. When a reporter asked Edison about failing more than 9,000 times, he responded by saying he had not failed, but had found 9,000 items that did not make a good filament. He worked well into his 60?s and 70?s and was a tireless entrepreneur. ?Thomas Edison had a formula for his success:
- It takes time for greatness
- Be patient
- Persistence is the key
3.What are the important areas of your life that need goals?
Make sure you dream about goals that motivate you for 2014. ?They should inspire you to act. ?Break your goals down to your life areas and keep them simple! ?I have SIX plus one more bonus area for you to consider:
- Family ? Quality time ? How about planning your family vacation now and budgeting to lay aside $100 a month toward it? ?Or $50 a month
- Marriage ? time with my spouse. ?A date night? ?A quarterly getaway?
- Health ? your habits good and bad ? your weight and fitness. ?A plan for when you will work out.
- Work ? promotion? ?Change in job? ?Advance in clients? ?Getting more customers?
- Finances ? savings? Getting out of debt? ?New income? ?Dave Ramsey.com.
- Spiritual ? your time with God and his people.
- BHAG ? something new for 2014? ?For me last year it was podcasting. ?Sign up for that course. ?Go to that seminar. ?Watch those webinars. ?Listen to those podcasts!
4.What makes good goals?
First of all ? write them down! ?And get organized! ?Donna and I use Evernote. ?We highly recommend it!
You have probably heard of “SMART goals” already. The simple fact is that for goals to be powerful, they should be designed to be SMART.??Specific.?Measurable.?Attainable.?Relevant.?Time Bound.
5.The importance of scheduling your goals:
?The key is not to prioritize what’s on your schedule, but to schedule your priorities. ? Stephen Covey
?You don?t achieve in life what you wish for or hope for; you achieve in life what you schedule. ?Sean Myers
?A goal without a schedule is a pipe dream. ?Hans Finzel
?Aquarium illustration ? big rocks
#1: ?Having lunch with my son once a monthoIllustration
#2: Donna and I having a one night a week personal enrichment evening.oIllustration
#3: That annual family vacationoIllustration
#4: Reading that book or going to that conference
6.Make an action plan and stick with it.
This is not a straitjacket. ?This is not robbing us of freedom. ?This is helping us get what we really want, which does take some work and determination.
When you have it all in writing, it is time to go to work. ?And be sure to schedule a time at the end of every month at least to:
?Review your progress
?Make adjustments
?Tweak your expectations
?Celebrate short-term wins!
I hope your 2014 is your best year yet. ?I am available for individual coaching or just to answer a question.
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